Buying property will likely be one of the largest investments you will make. Why risk it? At Randall Lawyers, a lawyer will personally handle your purchase.
Our fixed fee includes:​
A lawyer personally handling your purchase
Undertaking a Verification of Identity (remote)
Lodging the contact for Transfer Duty assessment
Checking the seller's Foreign Resident Capital Gains Clearance Certificate
Drafting the Transfer of Land (via PEXA)
Undertaking and providing you all statutory searches
Reviewing the Financial Settlement Statement
Liaising with the seller and financier to arrange settlement
Attending settlement (via PEXA)
​Fixed Fee - $1,375 including GST
Additional services and fees (including GST):
Contract drafting - $517 per hour of drafting
Contract negotiation - $517 per round of negotiation
Contract review (REIWA) - $517
Contract review (non-REIWA) - $940
Variation to Contract - $390
Paper settlement (if required) - $517
In person Verification of Identity - $260
Registering a purchaser's caveat - $517
Delayed settlement - $220
Fees exclude disbursement such as statutory searches, Landgate and PEXA fees and Transfer Duty.
See our Settlement Costs Calculator
Use our costs calculator to determine fees and disbursements applicable to your settlement.